By purchasing an ama of agricultural land in Eretz Yisrael, registered in Israel's Land Registry Bureau (טאבו), you'll gain- until after next Shmita (5789):
Joining the gedolim who've already purchased- they'll be fulfilling mitzvas Shmita and mitzvos hatluyos ba'aretz and so will you!
Doing mitzvas Shmita- the rare mitzva of "ושבתה הארץ שבת לה'" (Vayikra 25, 2) from the time of your purchase until the end if this Shmita year
Being one of those giborey koach "גיבורי כח עושי דברו" (Tehillim 103, 20) referring to shomrei Shmita
Receiving the bracha written straight out in the Torah: "וציוויתי את ברכתי" (Vayikra 25, 21)
Doing the rare mitzvos of Trumos and Ma'asros during years 5783-5788
Doing the rare mitzvos of Leket and Shichecha during years 5783-5788
Doing the rare mitzva of Peah during years 5783-5788
Doing the rare mitzvas aseh of "תשמטנה ונטשתה" (Shemos 23, 11) on Shmita year eve (5789) and fulfilling yet again the mitzva of "ושבתה הארץ" during the Shmita year, being yet again one of the giborey koach for the entire 5789 Shmita year.
How many Four (Dalet) Amos in Eretz Yisroel shmita lands would you like to own?
Total 1,800$
Once the purchase is complete, the necessary documents will be emailed to you in order to ensure that you fulfill the mitzva b’hiddur and become the trustee for your piece of land in Eretz Yisroel.
Purchase now, and become the beneficiary of the endless brachos that shmita brings.