Own Land from Shmita to Shmita! Reap spiritual benefit all 7 years:
· 6 years of mitzvos hatluyos ba'aretz · Mitzvas Shmita 5789!

You can still purchase land during Shmita and fulfill the mitzva of "Veshavta Ha'aretz" every moment of the remainder of the Shmita year, and merit the parnassa blessing of "Vetzivisi"
You too can personally do those mitzvos that can only be done in Israel- Mitzvos hatluyos ba'aretz and Mitzvas Shmita!
Purchase an ama of agricultural land in Eretz Yisrael- registered under your name in Israel's Land Registry Bureau (טאבו) with Agudat Shmita as your trustee. FIRST You'll be fulfilling mitzvas Shmita every second of the remainder of this Shmita year. THEN Fulfill mitzvos hatluyos ba'aretz with the crops grown on this land- for the next 6 years FINALLY- Fulfill mitzvas Shmita in the 7th year of 5789!
Gedolei Yisroel express support for Agudas Shmita's holy endeavor:
How can you fulfill both Shmita and mitzvos hatluyos ba'aretz?

- YOU JOIN, thereby appointing us as your trustee to purchase an ama of land for you.

- WE REGISTER your ama in Israel's Land Registry Bureau (טאבו) under your name

- WE ARE YOUR SHLICHIM to plant crops, do the relevant mitzvos hatluyos ba'aretz and then halt all agricultural activity at the beginning of next 5789 Shmita year

- YOU'RE ZOCHE both to mitzvos hatluyos ba'aretz, and to mitzvas Shmita!

For further details
WITH JUST A CLICK, AN AMA OF LAND IN ERETZ YISRAEL CAN BE YOURS From now until after the 5789 Shmita year!
By purchasing 4 amos and up, you also fulfill the mitzva of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael
Only farmers who work on agricultural land during the 6th year, can be mekayem the mitzva of shmita in the 7th year.
The average Jew cannot become a farmer for the two years required to give him full schar for the mitzva. Agudas Shmita has the ultimate, most halachically mehudar solution!
Ownership is attained via a trustee – a shliach, a representative who completely fulfills the mitzva and thus enables you to be zoche to its infinite blessing.
In order to merit this unique opportunity, b’hiddur, most poskim hold that one must privately own a piece of land in Eretz Yisroel, and have it formally registered in his name in the Israeli Tabo, rather than temporarily lease it
Why ownership?
Why shouldn’t I just RENT a piece of land?
Why Tabo and not ILA?
"אני הוא שעתיד ליתן שכר טוב אם ישמרו אותן"
(I am the one Who will reward those who observe My commandments)
(Midrash Tanhouma - מדרש תנחומא)
It’s Hashem’s actual promise: Those who keep Shmita will merit endless bracha in their lives, and the segulah of "וציוויתי את ברכתי"
FAQ: Shmita
The mitzva of shmita is in essence divided into two parts.
- One part is the mitzva of "והשביעית, תשמטנה ונטשתה" - Shemos, 23:11 "In the seventh year you shall leave it unattended and unharvested" This is referring to the commandment to be mafkir all produce that grows on owned land in the seventh year. It’s clear from here that the mitzva can be completed on agricultural land with ready trees or vegetation whose produce can be made hefker.
2. The second part deals with "ושבתה הארץ שבת לה'" Vayikra, 25:2 (the land shall observe a Shabbos of Hashem) Here the mitzva is to refrain from work in this time. This can only be attained with land that was worked in the sixth year, and then left fallow in the seventh.
The psak of HaGaon Rav Elyashiv pertaining to mechiras chametz and a heter iska was that the documents should all be legally acceptable and that one should not be able to void them in court. Same is with the din for kinyanim in halacha regarding ownership of land: In order for the kinyan to be complete, one must ensure the legalities are in order as well.
When dealing with ILA, you’re obtaining a long term lease, not complete ownership.
When it comes to ILA residential lands, there might be a way to consider it buying rather than leasing, yet an agricultural land, such as this, is considered on a "lower level" for 3 main reasons:
- In order to really sell and give over the full rights of ownership, you need a special waiver by the ILA.
- You have to renew the contract every few years
- The ILA has the right to decide that they’re not interested in extending the lease, which isn't the case when it comes to residential lands.
No. Being that renting is not koneh, the field remains in the owner’s possession and doesn’t belong to the renter. It also works the other way around: If a yid rents his land to a goy, he still needs to do the mitzva of shmita because the land belongs to him.
Actualités sur la Shmita

רוכשים קרקע לקיום מצוות השמיטה

המקובל הרה”צ רבי דוד בצרי שליט”א הצטרף לאגודת שמיטה בעת ביקורו ביריד המבשר

התעניינות שיא במיזם אגודת שמיטה